Friday, March 1, 2013

Emotional Cycle - 7 phases

The seven phases of my trading:

1. (Day 1) I've got a great method of trading, let's be patient, focus on having a probabilities mindset, take these setups, and manage risk.

2. (Two days later) I am having good success with this.

3.  (7 days later) I am really on fire, I have been profitable for 9 sessions in a row.

4. (Next day) A breakeven day or two, I'll do better next session. Risk management is getting a bit inconsistent.

5. (Two days later) Daily loss limit hit, man, that sucked, I'll do better tomorrow.  This is only a temporary setback.

6. (Next day) Daily loss limit hit again, wow, what am I doing?  I've got to re-think this thing.  I've got to question my setups, question my analysis, question my exits, question the market I am trading, question the timeframe I am trading, etc.

7. (A day or two) Spend hours and hours and hours pouring through charts, trying to find the answers to prevent the losing sessions I have.  Find "the answer".

1. (Start at day 1) I've found it, I now have a great method of trading, let's be patient and take these setups, and manage risk properly.


The truth is...the bottom line is that.... all of this is too emotional.

I need to focus more on simply executing my edge, which is in fact an edge... IF I execute the risk management methods that go along with it.  You see... even as I say that, I am admitting that there is a difference in my mind between my "edge" (hear setups) and "risk management" (hear exits).  There is no edge without both in place.

I must continually focus on keeping a probabilities mindset and executing my plan and processes.

I will admit that I am growing awfully tired of going through the 7 phases.  I'm still net profitable over the full cycle, but it's taking a toll on my emotionally.


  1. Replies

  2. No webcast today. I had a ton of things going on and didn't need the added pressure of 30 people watching me today. I have updates on the day's session at my journal on big mike's though if you want to check that out See you around!
